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Cathechism of the Catholic ChurchReference
Children's Bible in 365 StoriesScripture
Children's Bible, TheScripture
Come to Me in the Blessed SacramentPrayer
Dictionary of the BibleReference
Holy Bible (Knox Version)Scripture
Jerusalem BibleScripture
New Catholic Commentary on Holy ScriptureScripture
Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, TheReference
Oxford English Reference Dictionary, TheReference
Allen, W H (Ed.)Catholic Digest OmnibusGeneral
Allers, RudolfThe Psychology of CharacterPsychology
American Bible SocietyBible for today's FamilyScripture
Aquinas, St ThomasSumma Theologiae (Condensed English Version)Theology
AristotleThe Basic WorksPhilosophy
Attwater, DonaldSt John ChrysostomSaints
Auclair, MarcelleChrist's ImageArt
Barrett, WilliamThe Red Laquered GateBiography
Bassett, BernardWe NeuroticsSpirituality
Baxter, James KThe Flowering CrossSpirituality
Baxter, James KThe Man on the HorseSpirituality
Bea, AugustinThe Way to Unity after the CouncilTheology
Bede, The VenerableA History of the English Chuch and PeopleHistory
Belloc, HilaireCollected VersePoetry
Belloc, HilaireThe Path to RomeGeneral
Berger, Peter L ARumour of AngelsTheology
Bernanos, GeorgesDiary of a Country PriestNovels
Bishop, JimThe Day Christ DiedScripture
Bligh, JohnScripture of MeditationPrayer
Bloch, HerbertThe Bombardment of Monte CassinoHistory
Blyth, JohnColossians (Scripture of meditation 4)Scripture
Bonhoeffer, DietrichEthicsTheology
Bonhoeffer, DietrichLetters and Papers from PrisonTheology
Bonhoeffer, DietrichThe Cost of DiscipleshipTheology
Bouyer, LouisThe Church of GodTheology
Brandt, LFJesus NowSpirituality
Breig, JamesWhy go to Mass?Spirituality
Buber, MartinI and ThouPhilosophy
Bullinger, EWEnglish-Greek LexiconReference
Cahill, ThomasHow the Irish Saved CivilizationHistory
Camus, AlbertThe PlagueNovels
Carrel, AlexisMan the UnknownPsychology
Carroll, LewisAlice's Adventures in WonderlandGeneral
Cassidy, SheilaPrayer for PilgrimsPrayer
Cassidy, ShielaAudacity to BelieveSpirituality
Catholic Bible PressGood News BibleScripture
CervantesDon QuixoteGeneral
Chapman, GeofreyPope John XXIIIBiography
ChaucerThe Canterbury TalesGeneral
Chesterton, GKOmnibusNovels
Chesterton, GKOrthodoxySpirituality
Chesterton, GKThe Everlasting ManSpirituality
Chirico, PeterInfallibilityTheology
Clark, ColinStarvation or PlentySocial
Claudel, PaulLord Teach us to PrayPrayer
Connell, JaniceApparitions at MedjugorjeMarian
Copleston, FrederickContemporary Philosophy Philosophy
Copleston, FrederickHistory of Philosophy:Fichte - Sartre Philosophy
Copleston, FrederickHistory of Philosophy:Greece - Suarez Philosophy
Craig, MaryThe Man from a Far Country (2 copies)Biography
Crystal, DavidCambridge Biographical EncyclopediaReference
Crystal, DavidLinguistics, Language and Religion Philosophy
Culbertson, Diane (Ed.)Rose Hawthorne LathropBiography
Cunningham, Lawrence (Ed.)Thomas Merton - Spiritual MasterSpirituality
Daly, CahalNatural Law Morality TodayTheology
Daniel-Rops (Ed.)The Miracle of IrelandHistory
de Chardin, TeilhardHymn of the UniverseSpirituality
de Chardin, TeilhardLe Milieu DivinSpirituality
De La Bedoyere, MichaelBiography of St Francis of AssisiSaints
de Lubac, HenriNature and GraceTheology
de Lubac, HenriThe Motherhood of the ChurchTheology
Diaz, BernalThe Conquest of New SpainHistory
Diess, LucienThe MassLiturgy
Doyle, RoddyPaddy Clarke HaHaHaNovels
Dubay, ThomasCaringSpirituality
Duggan, EileenMore PoemsPoetry
Duggan, EileenPoemsPoetry
Duggan, WilliamMary our HopeMarian
Duggan, WilliamVessel of HonourMarian
Dunne, ClareMary McKillop - No Plaster SaintSaints
Dupre, LouisA Dubious HeritagePhilosophy
Eco, UmbertoApocalypse PostponedSocial
Eco, UmbertoTravels in Hyper-RealitySocial
Eliot, TSCollected PoemsPoetry
Elliot, TSMurder in the CathedralPoetry
Elliot, TSSelected ProsePoetry
Ellsberg, RobertAll SaintsSaints
Fabert, AndrePope Paul XIBiography
Farrow, MiaWhat Falls AwayBiography
Fernandez-Armesto, FMillenniumHistory
Fernandez-Armesto, FTruthPhilosophy
Finlay, IanColumbaSaints
Fischer, EdwardFiji Revisited (Fr. Martrin Dobey)Biography
Flynn Mr. GodThis is AnnaSpirituality
Forristal, DesmondColumcille - The Fox and the DoveSaints
Fox, MatthewOriginal BlessingTheology
Fraser, AntoniaThe Gunpowder PlotHistory
Fritz, PatriciaWe Praise YouSpirituality
Galbraith, JKMoney - Whence it came, where it wentSocial
Galbraith, JKThe Affluent SocietySocial
Galbraith, JKThe Nature of Mass PovertySocial
Gallagher, JosephThe Pain and the PrivelegeBiography
Gallico, PaulSteadfast Man, The (St Patrick)Saints
Garden City PressHeroes of our TimeSaints
Gardner, JosteinSophie's WorldPhilosophy
Gelin, AlbertThe Poor of YahwehSpirituality
Gelineau, JosephLiturgy Today and TomorrowLiturgy
Ghezzi, BertKeeping Your Kids CatholicSpirituality
Gilchrist, MichaelRome or the BushSpirituality
Graham, Dom AelredZen CatholicismSpirituality
Gratus, JackGive and Take - A practical guide for MeetingsGeneral
Greene, GrahamThe Power and the GloryNovels
Guardini, RomanoFreedom, Grace and DestinyTheology
Guardini, RomanoPrayers from TheologySpirituality
Guardini, RomanoThe Conversion of AugustineSaints
Guardini, RomanoThe LordScripture
Guerry, EIn the Whole ChristTheology
Guinness, AlecMy Name Escapes MeBiography
HaffertSign of Her HeartMarian
Hagin, KEExceedingly Growing FaithSpirituality
Hammarskjold, DagMarkingsSpirituality
Hample / Marshall, EChildren's Letters to GodSpirituality
Heenan, John COur FaithTheology
Helwig, MonicaUnderstanding CatholicismTheology
Hersey, JohnHiroshimaHistory
Hildred, BHow to Survive in the BushGeneral
Holy Cross CollegeHeart and SoulSpirituality
Hopkins, Gerard ManleyPoems of Gerard Manley HopkinsPoetry
Houselander, CaryllReed of GodMarian
Houselander, CaryllThe Dry WoodNovels
Houselander, CaryllThe Flowering TreeSpirituality
Houselander, CaryllThe Passion of the Infant ChristSpirituality
Houselander, CaryllThe Stations of the CrossSpirituality
Howard, ThomasEvangelical is Not EnoughSpirituality
Hughes, PhillipA History of the Church (to the Reformation) History
Hughes, Gerard WGod of SurprisesSpirituality
Hughes, Gerard WOh God, Why?Spirituality
Hughes, PhillipThe Church in Crisis (20 Great Councils) History
Hughes, RobertThe Fatal Shore History
Hume, BasilSearching for GodSpirituality
Hyde, DouglasDedication and LeadershipSocial
Hyde, DouglasGod's Bandit (Don Orione)Biography
Innes, HammondThe Conquistadors History
Jackson, Kenneth HurlstoneA Celtic MiscellanyGeneral
Jarman, DavidChildhood's PatternSpirituality
Jeremias, JoachimThe Parables of JesusScripture
John Paul II, PopeCrossing the Threshhold of Hope (2 copies)Theology
Johnson, AnnMiryam of JudahMarian
Johnson, AnnMiryam of NazarethMarian
Johnson, WilliamLord Teach us to PraySpirituality
Johnston, BernardMessage of St.Teresa of LisieuxSaints
Johnston, BernardSt. Teresa of LisieuxSaints
Jordan, WilliamConquest without VictoryBiography
Journet, CharlesThe Meaning of Evil Philosophy
Jung, CGMemories, Dreams, ReflectionsPsychology
Karam, JoeDavid and GoliathGeneral
Kavanagh, P JThe Perfect StrangerNovels
Keeler, Robert FParish!Spirituality
Keneally, ThomasBring Larks and HeroesNovels
Kern, WalterNew Liturgy and Old DevotionsPrayer
Kevane, EugeneThe Lord of HistorySpirituality
Kilpatrick, William KirkPsychological SeductionPsychology
Kimbrough, MaryThe Joy and Adventure of Growing YoungerSpirituality
Klaus, RitaRita's StoryBiography
Klise, ThomasThe Last WesternNovels
Knox, RonaldAutobiography of Saint ThereseSaints
Knox-CoxWaiting for ChristScripture
Koch, ChristopherOut of IrelandNovels
Kossoff, DavidThe Book of WitnessesScripture
Laurentin, ReneMary's Place in the ChurchMarian
Lawler, R etc.The Teaching of ChristReference
Leclerc, AndreFra AngelicoArt
Lees-Milne, JamesSaint Peter'sArt
Lester, AJUnderstanding Aged ParentsSpirituality
LewisLatin - English DictionaryReference
Lewis, CSThe Screwtape LettersSpirituality
Lilley, Stella MarisOn the Road with Padre PioSaints
Liso, OscardePadre PioSaints
Lonergan, BernardInsightPhilosophy
Luff, SGASilent BedesPrayer
Luke, HelenWoman, Earth and SpiritTheology
Lynch, FlannHealing and GrowthSpirituality
Lynch, John W AWoman Wrapped in SilenceMarian
Mac Liammoir, MichealW B Yeats and his WorldArt
Mackey, JohnLooking at OurselvesSpirituality
Macquarrie, JohnAn Existentialist TheologyTheology
Macquarrie, JohnPrinciples of Christian TheologyTheology
Male, EmileThe Gothic ImageArt
Maloney, George, AAlone with the AlonePrayer
Mannin, EthelLate have I Loved TheeNovels
Marcel, GabrielBeing and HavingPhilosophy
Marcel, GabrielHomo ViatorPhilosophy
Mardon, Heather and MikeWon without a WordSpirituality
Maritain, JacquesExistence and the ExistentPhilosophy
Maritain, JacquesOn the Grace and Humanity of JesusTheology
Maritain, JacquesThe Rights of ManPhilosophy
Matthews, John FEl GrecoArt
Mauriac, FrancoisA Woman of the PhariseesNovels
McAll, KennethHealing the Family TreeSpirituality
McCullagh, JohnIn the Bits and PiecesSpirituality
McCullagh, JohnThoughts for the changing seasonsSpirituality
McGinley, PhyllisThe Province of the HeartSpirituality
McGorry, VincentMore Blessed than KingsSpirituality
McKenna, BriegeMiracles do HappenSpirituality
McKenzie, John LThe Two-Edged SwordScripture
McMullin, ErnanEvolution and CreationTheology
McNutt, FrancisThe Prayer that HealsPrayer
McNutt, FrancisThe Prayer that HealsSpirituality
McShane (Ed.)Introducing the thought of Bernard Lonergan Philosophy
Merton, ThomasBread in the WildernessSpirituality
Merton, ThomasSpiritual DirectionSpirituality
Messori, VJesus HypothesesTheology
Milcent, PaulHumble so as to Love MoreSpirituality
Miller, Walter M (Jr.)A Canticle for LeibowitzNovels
Milton, JohnParadise Lost and other poemsPoetry
Molloy, AnthonyThirty Pieces of SilverSocial
Mooney, ChristopherF Teilhard de Chardin and the Mystery of ChristTheology
Morton, JohnRedeeming CreationTheology
Muggeridge, MalcolmChrist and the MediaSpirituality
Muggeridge, MalcolmJesusSpirituality
Muggeridge, MalcolmJesus the Man who LivesSpirituality
Muir, EdwinCollected PoemsPoetry
Munroe, JessieStory of Suzanne AubertBiography
Murphy, FrankDaniel MannixBiography
Neher, AndreMosesSpirituality
Nestle (Ed.)Greek - English Interlinear New TestamentScripture
New TestamentNo Greater LoveScripture
New TestamentTheGreatest LoveScripture
Newman, JHApologia pro Vita SuaBiography
Newman, JHThe Mystical RoseMarian
NIVSerendipity New TestamentScripture
Noble, ChristinaBridge across my SorrowsBiography
Nouwen, HenriIn MemoriamSpirituality
Novak, MichaelOpen Church, The (Vatican II) History
Nowel, RobertWhy am I still a Catholic?Spirituality
Nuener & Dupuis (Eds.)The Christian FaithReference
Nurnberg, WalterHands at MassArt
O'Brien, Conor CruiseMaria CrossGeneral
O'Brien, JohnAround the Boree LogPoetry
O'Collins, GeraldJesus TodayTheology
O'Collins, GeraldThe Second JourneySpirituality
O'Connor, EdwinThe Edge of SadnessNovels
O'Connor, FlanneryA Good Man is Hard to FindNovels
O'Connor, FlanneryEverything That Rises Must ConvergeNovels
O'Connor, FlanneryThe Violent Bear it AwayNovels
O'Connor, FlanneryWise BloodNovels
O'Connor, FrankFish for Friday and other storiesNovels
O'Donohue, JohnAnam CaraSpirituality
O'Dwyer, PeterTowards a History of Irish SpiritualitySpirituality
O'Farrell, PatrickThe Irish in AustraliaHistory
O'Fiach, TomasColumbanusSaints
O'Neill, ColmanSacramental RealismTheology
O'Rourke, PJAll the Trouble in the WorldSocial
O'Rourke, PJHolidays in HellSocial
Oberle, JeanUtrilloArt
Ott, LudwigFundamentals of Catholic DogmaTheology
Ousler, Will & FultonFather Flanagan of BoystownBiography
Owen, FrThe Early CapuchinsSaints
Padovano, AnthonyA Celebration of LifeSpirituality
Papafava, FrancescoRome and the VaticanArt
Parent, RemiLife to the LimitsSpirituality
Parker, MichaelThis Portentous PriestBiography
Pascal, BlaséPenseesPhilosophy
Pauli, HerthaChristmas and the SaintsSaints
Peck, M. ScottThe Road Less TravelledSpirituality
Peiper, JosefLeisure, the Basis of CulturePhilosophy
Petty, JoGolden PraisesSpirituality
Philbrick, NathanielIn the Heart of the Sea (The true Moby Dick tale)History
Piercy, HaroldFlower ArrangingReference
Pirsig, RobertZen and the Art of Motor-cycle MaintenancePhilosophy
Polkinghorne, JohnBeyond ScienceGeneral
Pope John XXIIIJournal of a SoulBiography
Pope John XXIIIPrayers and DevotionsPrayer
Powell, JohnHappiness is an Inside JobSpirituality
Powell, JohnSecret of Being in LoveSpirituality
Press, MargaretJulian Tenison Woods - Father FounderBiography
Purcell, MaryThe World of Monsieur VincentSaints
Purcell, WilliamBetween the Unseen and SeenSpirituality
Quoist, MichaelPrayers of LifePrayer
Rafter, PatNever Let GoBiography
Rahner, KarlI RememberSpirituality
Rahner, KarlMary, Mother of the LordMarian
Ratzinger, JosefIntroduction to the CatechismTheology
Ratzinger, JosephDaughter ZionMarian
Readers DigestJesus and His TimesSpirituality
Reeve, ChristopherStill MeBiography
Renault, MaryFire from HeavenNovels
Ridenour, FritzHow to become a Christian...Spirituality
Robertson, John FrThe Medal Mary DesignedMarian
Rossi, FilippoThe Uffizi and Pitti, FlorenceArt
Ryan, Arthur HPerennial Philosophers Philosophy
Ryan, GenevieveSeasons of Grace (Bl. Mary McKillop)Prayer
Ryan, JuanitaMeeting God in PraisePrayer
Ryder, Fr TomFollowing All your Ways, LordBiography
Rynne, XavierJohn Paul's Extraordinary Synod History
Sanders, JOSpiritual LeadershipSpirituality
Sartoris, AlbertoPiero della FrancescaArt
Scheeben, M.J.Mysteries of ChristianityTheology
Scott, BernardHear the ParablesScripture
Scott, BrianMalachySaints
Sertillanges, ADJesusSpirituality
Shea, JohnStories of FaithTheology
Sheed, FJThe Book of the SaviourSpirituality
Sheed, FJThe Mary BookMarian
Sheed, FJ (Ed.)The Guest-Room BookGeneral
Sheen, FultonGod and Intelligence in Modern Philosophy Philosophy
Sheen, FultonGod and WarTheology
Sheldrake, PhillipImages of HolinessTheology
Shelley, Percy ByssheSelected Poetry and ProsePoetry
Simmons, ERBrief History of the Catholic Church in NZ History
Smith, Graeme and PamIf God be for usSpirituality
Smith, RegisHow can I Find God?Spirituality
Sobel, DavaGalileo's DaughterBiography
Sr M DamienSing no sad Songs for MeSpirituality
Sr. M PeterDauntless Daughter of DesiresSaints
Sr. MaryPhilippa Men with a MessageSaints
St. BernardNativity, TheSpirituality
St. Romain, PhilipJesus on the Cross - Why?Theology
Stern, KarlThe Pillar of FireBiography
Suenens, Leon-JosephMary the Mother of GodMarian
Suenens, Leon-JosephThe Gospel to every creatureSpirituality
Suenens, Leon-JosephTheology of the ApostolateTheology
Swayne, SeanCommunionLiturgy
Swayne, SeanGather Around the LordLiturgy
Tambasco, AnhonyWhat are they saying about Mary?Marian
Throckmorton, Burton (Ed.)Gospel ParallelsScripture
Tillich, PaulThe Shaking of the FoundationsTheology
Tolkien, J R RThe HobbitGeneral
Tosh, Bert (Ed.)Thought for the DaySpirituality
Trevor, MeriolNewman - Light in WinterBiography
Trevor, MeriolNewman - The Pillar and the CloudBiography
Trollope, AnthonyThe Last Cronicle of BarsetNovels
Vanier, JeanMan and Woman He Made ThemTheology
VariousExploring FatimaMarian
VariousThe Oxford Book of English VersePoetry
VirgilEclogues: GeorgicsGeneral
Voillaume, ReneLiving God, TheSpirituality
von Balthasar, Hans UrsDoes Jesus Know us - Do we Know Him?Theology
von Balthasar, Hans UrsLove Alone: the Way of RevelationTheology
von Balthasar, Hans UrsThe Christian State of LifeTheology
Von Matt, LeonardArt in the VaticanArt
Waddell, HelenPeter AbelardNovels
Wall, BernardPriest and WorkerBiography
Waugh, EvelynOmnibusNovels
Weible, WayneMedjugorieMarian
Weil, SimoneGravity and GraceSpirituality
Weil, SimoneWaiting on GodSpirituality
Wells, H W (Tr.)The Vision of Piers PlowmanPoetry
Wicks, Robert JSeeds of SensitivitySpirituality
Williams, JudithPuhoi RemembersHistory
Wiltgen, RalphThe Founding of the RC Church in OceaniaHistory
Wodehouse, P GThe Jeeves CollectionNovels
Wojtyla, KarolEaster Vigil and Other PoemsPoetry
Wojtyla, KarolSign of ContradictionSpirituality
Woodgate, M VSt Joan of ArcSaints
Wren, Percival CBeau GesteNovels
Wright, TomThe Myth of the MillenniumSpirituality
Yeats, W BCollected PoemsPoetry
Yeats, W BSelected CriticismGeneral

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