Catholic Parish of Warkworth and Puhoi

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If you know of anyone who would like the NEWSLETTER emailed to them weekly
let me know their email address.
Perhaps you can think of some non-practising Catholics
who may be interested in at least keeping a small contact this way?

to get the weekly newsletter via your email

Sign up for Gifting to help our small parish:
PRINT the gifting sheet
or click here to

Living Justly in Aotearoa newsletter

Will be only by email now. Please send your postal address to Kevin at PO Box 68419, Newton, Auckland 1145 for those who haven’t got access to the internet.
Otherwise Email:

Wheelchair Available ...

The Caring Group has provided a Wheelchair for the use of for any parishioner who may require it. Enquiries to Moira 425 0232.

Bibles available
at the Parish shop

We have stocks of several varieties of bibles available from our online shop (at

Parish Newsletter     †     9th February 2025

World Marriage Day is an observance sponsored by Catholic Marriage Encounter movement.

“World Marriage Day honours husband and wife as the foundation of the family, the basic unit of society.
It salutes the beauty of their faithfulness, sacrifice and joy in daily married life.”


All the saints were conscious of their sinfulness – and this forced them to rely more on the grace of God than on their own strength. And so for us also, for while our sinfulness humbles us, we must not let it get us down, or make us feel that we do not belong in the company of Jesus, for we too are invited to follow Jesus and to share in his work.

Prayer Reflection:-

Isaiah, Peter and Paul are three
of the most important people in the Bible.
All three had a deep sense of their unworthiness.
Yet all three went on to do great things for God.
Lord, give us the humility
to acknowledge our sins,
and the strength to rise above them.
Then we will have the joy of discovering
that it is when we are weak
that we are strong,
because your power
becomes available to us.


First Reading (Isaiah 6:1-8). This tells of the call of Isaiah to the ministry of prophecy. In a vision in the Temple, God reveal himself to Isaiah as the all-holy One. The vision evokes in Isaiah a sense of his own sinfulness. But then, cleansed of his sins, he responds without hesitation to the divine call.
The call of Isaiah parallels the call of Peter in the Gospel. Here again we see that it is God who takes the initiative. We also see the total response God requires. And we see how the holiness of Jesus evokes in Peter a sense of his own sinfulness.

Second Reading (1 Corinthians 15:1-11). This is one of the most important passages in the New Testament. Here Paul defends the reality of the resurrection from the dead. He begins by appealing to the resurrection of Jesus and quotes an early creed.
The statement ‘he was buried’ underlines the reality of Jesus’ death. The statement ‘he appeared to’ expresses the conviction of the first Christians that Jesus triumphed over death. Paul then adds a series of witnesses (including himself) to whom Jesus showed himself. No attempt is made to describe the resurrection of Jesus because it was realized that it was a happening beyond our experience.

Gospel (Luke 5:1-11). Here we have the story of the miraculous catch of fish and the call of the first disciples. However, the emphasis is on the latter; the miracle is merely the setting in which the call happens. The spotlight is on Peter; his companions remain in the background, but are ready to help. Luke has the deepest respect for Peter, describing his founding role in the primitive church in Acts.
Peter’s words ‘we fished all night and caught nothing’ underline the miraculous nature of the catch. Since they had failed to catch anything during the night (the proper time for fishing), what chance did they have during the day?
Peter, profoundly moved by the miracle, sank to his knees and spontaneously declared his unworthiness to be associated with Jesus. But Jesus said to him, ‘Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.’
At the word of Jesus, Peter and his companions left everything and followed him. The phrase ‘they left everything’ shows the importance for Luke of detachment from possessions. The symbolism of the miraculous catch now becomes clear. Henceforth Peter will be a fisher of people. The large catch shows how successful he and the others can be with Jesus’ help.

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News & Events

A warm welcome to ...
    any new parishioners:

Please introduce yourself to Fr Brian and also complete a parish Enrolment Form on the table in the foyer.

Alternatively complete and send this form online;
click here.

Mass setting in Gregorian plain-chant

Some members of our Parish community, have requested an opportunity to learn to sing a mass in traditional plain-chant. If there are enough participants, and both practice times, and the copying and distribution of music could be agreed, an interested and focused congregation, might be able to sing on Gregorian Latin Mass together, later this year.

If this traditional music genre, combined with singing in Latin, appeals to you, please contact Johanna on or call her mobile 021 022 21544 to arrange an initial get together.

Ascension Update Corner

  • Holy Name Parish SURVEY

    The purpose of this survey is to provide parishioners with an indication of the range of expressions of interest we have received to date and to ascertain support for different possibilities. We need to ensure there is a balance between community needs and revenue generating operations to cover the costs.
    Please complete the survey to indicate what initiatives you would like the PCG to investigate further.

    PARISH SURVEY - click here


Many thanks to all those who have so far offered information, pictures and so on for our special book. However I am still looking for more – especially personal anecdotes and experiences. Tell me about that special event or experience you or your family had in the old church. Tell us about how you contributed to the move to the new church, and how you felt about it. I would truly like to make this book more than just a dry recitation of the facts, dates and so on – I want to make this book about what Bishop Steve called the “real church” – not just the buildings, but you, the people of God.

The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2025. Email or WhatsApp:+64 2108870423.


Thank you to those who have committed or promised advertising support for the book, but much more is still needed. Without the sponsorships and advertising support, the book cannot happen. There are two ways you can support the book:
  1. Send me a lead – someone or a business you think might be willing to support the book – it can be the company you work for, the shop where they know your name, or a friend’s company.

  2. The second way is for you, as an individual or a family, to take a personal ad wishing the parish well in its new home for just $60. This way, you and/or your family will be on record at this incredible moment in our history.
The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2025. Email or WhatsApp:+64 2108870423.


Finally, I do believe congratulations are in order to all those who participated in the move from the old church to the new one on that weekend – I have been around many different parishes in my time, and they have all been fantastic in different ways, but I have never seen such a concerted and enthusiastic effort by a parish as I did then. The transformation of the old wedding hall to a fully functional church overnight was nothing short of a miracle!

Special congratulations and thanks to the “brains” behind the project – the committee members who worked so hard to make it happen! Also, a special thanks to all those who helped provide the two magnificent meals that were laid on, both on Saturday evening and Sunday morning

~ Frank Nunan

Stay for a cuppa....

Morning Tea after
Matakana Sunday 10.30 am Mass

Next Sunday - 16th February 2025

Sixth Week of Ordinary Time

Theme: The World of the Beatitudes

1st Reading: Jeremiah 17:5-8
Ps: 1
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:12.16-20
Gospel: Luke 6:17.20-26

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More News

Joshua and Dove Fellowships

**ONE-DAY RETREAT for ALL on Saturday 15 FEBRUARY**
at St Thomas More Church, 336 Wairau Rd, Glenfield.
Suggested Koha of $20pp to cover costs.
Everyone is welcome.
Text/call Greg on 021 437747.

Bishop Steve Speaks

Tune into the diocesan YouTube channel playlist Bishop Steve Speaks to hear him reflecting on the readings of Sunday and other moments of conversation.

Young Leaders Masterclass | Sunday 23 February 2pm-6pm | 30 New Street, Ponsonby.

Masterclass is back in 2025! If you're a youth ministry leader or young adult ministry leader, you're invited to our quarterly event dedicated to equipping, empowering and energising you for ministry.
Our first Masterclass for 2025 will feature two workshops focused on helping you make the best possible start to your ministry year! Keep an eye on our socials, where we will announce our workshop presenters and topics. As always, there will be fantastic (free!) food and plenty of opportunities to connect with other young leaders.
Build relationships, share experiences, and be part of a support network that will help you grow in your ministry.
Go to or email for more info and to register.

Commissioning Mass | Sunday 23 February 7pm | St Patrick’s Cathedral

Join us as we begin another grace-filled year of youth ministry with our Young Leaders’ Commissioning Mass! Bishop Steve Lowe will be celebrating the mass and commissioning our young leaders as they are sent out for ministry in 2025.
If you’re a youth ministry leader or young adult ministry leader, you’re an essential part of this mass! We want to pray with you and for you, as you begin your ministry year. Please invite your whanau, your friends, and your wider faith community to join us as well.
We invite Catholics from across the Diocese to join us for this celebration. Unite with our young leaders in faith, hope and joy as we commence another incredible year of youth ministry in the Diocese of Auckland!
Go to or email for more info.


Fran and Jerome Hardy 021 1562529

Matakana Holyname Church Vehicle Entry

During the weekdays entrance to the Holyname Church is via the Service Entry - the second entrance coming from Warkworth.
On Sundays and for the Saturday Vigil Mass entry is via the MAIN gates.


For information on Pro-Life issues, visit

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Parish Services and Contacts

Home Visits

Please contact Fr Brian if you need or you know of someone who would like a Home Visit
– communion and reconciliation to the sick and housebound.

Warkworth Homebuilders:

Is an organisation working in North Rodney dedicated to helping local families
by walking them through hard times.
Call (09) 425 7048

Parish Contributions

For those parishioners who donate to the parish via the envelope system or by cash during the collection time at Mass, you may wish to continue to contribute to the parish via internet banking.

The parish bank account number is
Please ensure that you provide the following details with each payment:
  • Your initials and name
  • If you normally pay via the envelope system then please quote your envelope number
  • The word “collection”

On another note, it's great to receive cash in the plate to keep cash in existence in NZ.

The Lord remains with us always. Let us pray for each other to deepen our gratitude for that presence in our spiritual communion each day.

Sts. Peter and Paul, pray for us!
Peace in Christ,
Fr. Brian Lange


Are you new to our parish?
Register online at
Have you changed address?
Please get in touch with the Parish Office at if you would like to update or change your details.

Moved …

If you have moved home, changed your telephone or email address kindly email your changed details to the parish office.


  • - Monday & Thursday from 8.00 a.m., finishing 15 minutes before the start of Mass.
  • - Friday after the morning Mass & Benediction
  • - Saturday after the morning Mass
  • - Saturday afternoon from 5.00 p.m. until 5.30 p.m.
  • - Sunday by appointment after 2.00 p.m.

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A priest is painting the outside of the church. He realizes he won't have enough paint to complete the job unless he adds water, which he does.

When he finishes, a freak rainstorm pops up and his handiwork is lost as all the paint is washed off. From the clouds, a voice booms out: "Repaint, and thin no more."

A Stork's Day

The Stork family sits down to dinner. The momma stork asks the daddy stork, "So how was your day dear?"

"Well", he replied, "I flew north and south all day, making people happy. And how was your day?"

She answers, "Pretty much the same. I flew east and west making families happy."

They both turn to junior Stork, "And how was your day?", they asked.

Junior Stork tells them, "I had a blast, I flew all over, scaring the life out of college students!"

Construction workers

An elderly nun, living in a convent next to a construction site, noticed the coarse language of the workers and decided to spend some time with them to correct their ways. On this sunny morning, she decided she would take her lunch and sit with the workers.

She put her sandwich in a brown bag, together with a flask into a basket and walked over to the spot where the men were eating.

Sporting a big smile, she walked up to the group and asked: "Excuse me, can I interrupt for just a moment. I wonder do you men know Jesus Christ?"

They looked, turned and looked at each other, very confused, then shook their heads and looked back to Mother Angelica.

One of the workers looked up into the steelworks and yelled out,

"Anybody up there know Jesus Christ?"

One of the steelworkers yelled down, "Why?"

The worker yelled back, "Because his mum's here with his lunch."

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Parish Priest: Fr Brian Lange 425 8545
Parish Finance Committee Chairperson: Fr Brian Lange
Caring Group: - 425 8545 Office
Puhoi Church Bookings: Bernadette Straka 09 426 7374 or 422 0716 or WW Office 425 8545
Sacramental Programme: Parish Office 425 8545
Rosters: Warkworth: Parish Office 425 8545
Newsletter (Bulletin): Parish Office & Fr Brian Lange 425 8545
Holyname Ascension Maintenance: Simon Straka 0274914011 or 09 422 0716
Puhoi Church Maintenance: Simon Straka 0274914011 or 09 422 0716
Liturgical Ministries: Warkworth: Christine 423 0433, Fr Brian Lange 425 8545
Warkworth Parish Hall Bookings: Parish Office 425 8545
Marriage preparation programme: Gerry Smith at Auckland Diocese (09) 360 3025


If you are new to the parish, welcome!
An information booklet about the parish life is available in the foyer.
Please complete the form enclosed and hand it in or post it to the parish office or
complete it online here: “New Parishioner Form”

Christian Supplies for all Occasions

Heartbeat Christian Store, Warkworth
Ph 425 9559

Never Ending Books, Orewa Ph 09-426 6457

St Joseph’s Gift Store, Takapuna

The Square Gift Store, Auckland Cathedral

Family Life Catholic Gifts, Hillsborough

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If your Parish would like a managed site like this - email Simon Straka